Why charities partner with us

  • Our focus on performance and service has helped us become one of the UK’s leading charity fund managers, with discretionary clients and investors in Newton-managed funds spanning the broad spectrum of charitable causes.

Pooled investment services for charities

  • A growing trend among charity investors

    A growing number of investors are opting for a pooled approach owing to, among other reasons, the ease of administration, the simple process of adding and removing money, and lower management costs.

    What do we offer?

    We offer a large variety of pooled solutions to meet a broad range of investment objectives, including those focused on long-term income and growth generation, responsible investing, and also lower-volatility absolute-return strategies.
  • Envelope, Mail
    Charity-specific funds
    Several of our funds have applicable tax advantages
  • Symbol, Lawn Mower, Tool
    Ethical exclusions
    None of our charity-focused investment funds invest in companies that derive more than 10% turnover from tobacco production
  • Symbol, Emblem, Astronomy
    ESG integration
    Our pooled solutions incorporate consideration of material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities as part of our multidimensional research process
  • Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. Newton is not a tax expert and independent tax advice should be sought.

Discretionary services for charities

  • For charities with more complex requirements

    Segregated portfolios are managed under a discretionary service. This means that we take on responsibility for buying and selling holdings within the portfolio. As with our pooled funds, all investment activity would take place within our global thematic investment framework

    What are the key features of the Newton discretionary service?

    – Bespoke portfolios designed to meet specific objectives
    – Direct access to allocated charity specialists
    – Income planning
    – Peer group and tailored benchmarks
    – Adherence to asset allocation or ethical restrictions

A range of strategies for charity investors

For charities wishing to benefit from the administrative ease of a pooled investment solution, we offer a large variety of pooled funds to meet a broad range of investor objectives. Several of these funds are charity-specific and therefore have applicable tax advantages.

Newton Growth and Income Fund for Charities
For charity investors who wish to achieve a balance between capital growth and income.

Newton Sustainable Growth and Income Fund for Charities
For charities looking to achieve a balance between capital growth and income, while placing more emphasis on sustainable investment criteria.

Newton SRI Fund for Charities
For charity investors who wish to achieve a balance between capital growth and income while avoiding certain areas of activity.

Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. Newton is not a tax expert and independent tax advice should be sought.

Meet the charities team

The charities team has an average of 33 years of investment experience with 21 years at Newton.

Hilary Meades
Hilary Meades

Head of Charities Investment

Simon Nichols
Simon Nichols

Portfolio manager, Global Opportunities team

Bhavin Shah
Bhavin Shah

Portfolio manager, Mixed Assets Investment team

Alison El-Araby
Alison El-Araby

Portfolio manager, Charities Investment team

Lucy Hyams
Lucy Hyams

Client director

Sarah Dickson
Sarah Dickson

Charity business development

How to invest with Newton

Strategies by investment approach

  • Pooled fund investment service

    Please complete the form below and send it, together with your initial investment, to the address enclosed.

    Download application form
  • Discretionary service

    If you wish to find out more information about our discretionary service, please contact Sarah Dickson, Charity business development, on:

    T: +44 (0) 20 7163 2224
    E: sarah.dickson@newtonim.com

Your capital may be at risk.
The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.