This strategy is offered by Newton Investment Management North America LLC (‘NIMNA’) in the United States. NIMNA is part of the Newton Investment Management Group.

Strategy Overview

The portfolio holds approximately 50 positions invested in the future of all things mobility. As autonomous and electric vehicles rapidly move from concept to reality, companies are strategically positioning themselves to benefit from the next disruptive technological revolution with impacts across society and our daily lives.

We group the broad opportunities into four sub-themes: connectivity, autonomous vehicles, sharing and electrification. This allows the strategy to seek opportunities in areas such as data analytics, 5G networks and other beneficiaries of the mobility trend.

The team is supported by our highly experienced and dedicated research analysts who have been following the evolution of mobility for several years. We have continued to evaluate the many industries affected by this trend and are invested in companies we believe will benefit from this technological revolution.

Our investment process seeks to leverage the fundamental ratings of our global research team. We also utilize the quantitative rankings of our alpha models to optimize the portfolio holdings within the framework of our fundamental decision-making.

Strategy Profile


The strategy seeks to generate returns through a disciplined, concentrated equity portfolio that benefits from investment opportunities in the mobility innovation segment. We leverage a collaborative team-based approach that maximizes the firm’s fundamental and quantitative research capabilities.


MSCI AC World NR Index

The MSCI AC World NR Index performance benchmark is used as a comparator for this strategy. Information about the indices shown here is provided to allow for comparison of the performance of the strategy to that of certain well-known and widely recognized indices. There is no representation that such index is an appropriate benchmark for such comparison.

Strategy inception

February 1, 2018

Investment Team

Our investment team of research analysts and portfolio managers work together across regions and sectors, helping to ensure that our investment process is highly flexible.

Want to find out more?

Frank J Goguen
Frank J Goguen

Research analyst, portfolio manager

Robert C Zeuthen
Robert C Zeuthen

Head of secular pod, portfolio manager

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