This strategy is offered by Newton Investment Management North America LLC (‘NIMNA’) in the United States. NIMNA is part of the Newton Investment Management Group.
Strategy Overview
The strategy seeks to strike an attractive balance between portfolio risk and return over the long term, targeting equity-like returns at a lower level of volatility than equities over a full market cycle. The strategy allocates across liquid global asset classes using a disciplined, systematic investment process based on bottom-up, fundamental valuations and top-down macroeconomic insights. The portfolio positions may be directional (embedding an underlying market beta) or diversifying market-neutral exposures.
Dynamic Growth can serve a number of roles in a portfolio. With advanced de-risking methods designed to mitigate downside risk, it is suitable for those seeking to earn equity-like returns while reducing overall equity beta and mitigating extreme market drawdowns. The strategy can also function as a core multi-asset exposure that seeks higher risk-adjusted total returns (i.e. Sharpe Ratio) than an all-equity strategy.
Investment Team
Our investment team of research analysts and portfolio managers work together across regions and sectors, helping to ensure that our investment process is highly flexible.
A team of 18 investment professionals.
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